About the Author

Madam Crystal Butterfly

Madam Crystal Butterfly

I was born in Atlanta Georgia. Originally, I had no intention of becoming a full-time author. I admit I dabbled in it but I never took it seriously. My real goal was to go to law school and get a job in business law. However, life had different plans during my last two years of collage my uncle was diagnosed with stomach cancer. The next year my grandmother’s breast cancer returned. Before the year was over, we learned my father had brain cancer. Things got more difficult with them needing a lot of care and their conditions slowly got worse putting all of them in a lot of pain.

During that time at the advice of another student I decided it would be wise to become a paralegal. Being a paralegal would allow me to work in the law field, and learn skills that could translate to becoming an attorney. My family agreed that it was a good idea and, because student loans will not pay for it my parents offered to pay for it for me. Sadly, cancer treatments can be expensive. So, it took a wild to save up the money for me to go. During this time, I was getting frustrated with not getting my career started. To pass time, I started to write my first story. While starting on my story sadly my uncle passed away. As I was processing my grief, I found myself unable to think clearly. This led me to the decision to I put paralegal school on hold until I was in a better frame of mind. Things only got worse my grandmother passed away and later father passing. After this trauma I discovered my writing was helping me proses my feelings and, writing was becoming more fun for me to do.

I decided that I would become an author full time. Shortly after I went to a writers meeting. To learn more about how to approach publishing. During the meeting I was told to write small books alongside my bigger writing projects. In order to increase the amount of product you have available on the market. I was against doing this. During that time I was working on two stories. The idea of adding a third story felt like too much work. After the meeting I suddenly got the I idea for my story Curse of the Frog Prince Part 1. The moment I got the idea for the story I accepted I was going to have to start a third book whether I wanted to or not. Curse of the Frog Prince Part 1 is the first entry into my Butterfly Tales series. It is also the first book I ever published.When I completed the first draft of this story my mother suggested I come up with a pen name. I started to play around with different names my first idea being Lady Night. I was not too attached to that name and started trying to experiment with other names. Eventually I landed on the names Madam Crystal Rose and Madam Crystal Butterfly. I put it to a vote on Facebook and Madam Crystal Butterfly was the winner.     

I am happy to say that I am now the proud author of three books. Curse of the Frog Prince Part 1, Curse of the Frog Prince Part 2 and Violet Evergreen in the Seeds of Rebellion. I’m also about to publish three more books this year. Realms The Hidden Fairy, Wedded Bliss and Goblins Labyrinth.

I also due book reviews on my YouTube channel Madam Crystal Butterfly. The reason I became a BookTuber has to do with how difficult it is for a new author to be seen. When I first became an author, I struggled to get my stories noticed. I review mostly independent authors to help more indie authors like myself to get a chance to have their books noticed. So, if you are an author desperate to get your book reviewed. Just contact me and I do a free spoiler free book review.